Stabilisation / Mitigation scenarios

The ultimate aim of the UN Climate Convention (UNFCCC Article 2) is:

" stabilise concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at a level which will prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system, (continued)..." .

So which level should that be, and what is the best emissions pathway to reach it, considering the implications for both emissions and temperature?

This page discusses the stabilisation options available in JCM, which may be selected from the "mitigation" menu (top panel).

  • Stabilise CO2 concentration (consistent with IPCCTAR Synthesis report, "S" or "WRE" scenarios).
  • Stabilise temperature (maybe more closely related to avoiding dangerous impacts).
  • Stabilise CO2 emissions (not a policy proposal, but useful for comparison).
    Note also
  • Mitigation Module -how it works for technical details of the calculations.
  • Other gases, SRES baselines, Kyoto protocol, Distribution of emissions.

    Stabilise CO2 concentration

    IPCC Scenarios

    If you choose "stabilise CO2 concentration" from the mitigation menu, you should then see another menu of predefined stabilisation scenarios appearing on the carbon cycle plot. These fix target concentration profiles, following either the "WRE" or the "WG1"(S) pathways as shown in IPCC Synthesis Report, Q6. The mathematical formula is the same for all these profiles, but they have different start and end points.

    The model then calculates the CO2 emissions required to reach the target curve (an "inverse" calculation), as well as the consequences for temperature and sea-level.

    See also:

  • IPCCTAR-Synthesis report fig-SPM6
  • Pathways to stabilisation (below)
  • Carbon Cycle Plot
  • Mitigation Module -how it works

    In order to calculate the temperature, we also have to make an assumption about the contribution of the other greenhouse gases to radiative forcing. For this purpose IPCC-TAR SYR Q6 assumed that emissions of other gases are fixed according to SRES A1B scenario. To reproduce this, you should choose "SRES fixed" from the Other Gas menu (top panel), and "A1B" from the SRES menu.

  • See Other gas emissions options to investigate some alternative assumptions, including mitigation of all greenhouse gases.

    Stabilisation control

    You can also make your own stabilisation scenario by dragging the black 4-pointed arrow which appears on the carbon cycle plot. This controls the final CO2 stabilisation level (measured in ppm on the right hand scale) and stabilisation year, the end of the black curve showing atmospheric CO2 concentration. The formula for the curve is the same as that used for fixed scenarios. You can also start it after Kyoto, or with the "WRE delayed start" option (see below).

    Climate impact of CO2 stabilisation

    The temperature and sea-level plots illustrate the climate impact of different CO2 stabilisation levels. Although there are many uncertainties in the carbon and climate models, lowering the stabilisation level always reduces the impact.

    The temperature rise slows quite soon after CO2 stabilisation, but continues to increase slowly due to the gradual transfer of heat to the deep ocean. The latter effect is much more apparent in the sea-level, which continues to rise for centuries after CO2 stabilisation. Note also that local, seasonal changes can be much greater than global average figures, as illustrated by the map.

    See also:

  • About Inverse Calculations (below)
  • Carbon Cycle, Temperature, Sealevel plots
  • Regional climate map
  • Timescales of response

    Different pathways to stabilisation

    There are many possible pathways towards any given stabilisation level. UNFCCC Article 2 continues:

    "Such a (stabilisation) level shall be achieved within a time-frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened, and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner"

    So we have to find a pathway that avoids abrupt changes, balancing climatic and economic considerations. If we reduce emissions more earlier, we don't have to reduce so dramatically later. On the other hand, reducing emissions later may be cheaper, if we use a delay to develop new energy-saving technology. This is essentially a question of "intergenerational equity".

    IPCC considered two alternative sets of stabilisation pathways: the original formula from the IPCC 1994 technical paper, known as "S" or "WG1" scenarios, and a variant on this developed later by Wigley, Richels and Edmonds, known as "WRE" scenarios. The WRE scenarios followed the IS92A "business as usual" pathway for an initial period of 10-30 years (longer for higher stabilisation levels), before curving away to reach the stabilisation target.

    A button to switch the "WRE delayed start" option on or off is provided on the carbon cycle plot (if you choose stabilise CO2 concentration, and switch off the Kyoto protocol). As you can see, the WRE option allows higher emissions initially, but later they must drop more steeply.

    You can also experiment with other pathways, by dragging the endpoint of the curve (the black 4-pointed arrow) horizontally, changing the stabilisation year without changing the final level. The effect is similar: the earlier the target level is reached, the steeper the rise and fall in the emissions.

    The choice of pathway makes little difference to the eventual equilibrium temperature, but it does influence the rate of temperature rise, which affects the ability of ecosystems and society to adapt (noting Article 2 above). You can experiment by watching how selecting the WRE option, or moving the black arrow horizontally, affects the temperature plot.

    Note that, as WRE pointed out, the rate question is complicated by the short-term cooling effect of sulphate aerosols which are a by-product of burning coal. Considering this, the WRE pathway can actually lead to slightly cooler global average temperatures for the first few years! (note you will only see this subtle effect if other gas emissions are scaled to CO2)

    WRE suggested that it might be economically more efficient to delay initial emissions reduction, although they did not apply any economic optimisation model in developing these scenarios. On the other hand, they also stressed that although emissions reductions might be delayed, the effort to develop new technology and infrastructure, anticipating reductions, should begin immediately.

    Our current development path lies between the original WRE and WG1 pathways. Therefore, to get back to the original WG1 pathway from the present, would require rather abrupt reductions initially (this may partially explain why the economic mitigation costs shown in IPCC-TAR-SYR-Q7 seem rather high for the WG1 pathway. The choice of "discount rate" would also strongly influence any comparison of pathways, since discounting reduces later compared to earlier costs.)

    To avoid this discontinuity, this model sets the starting point to 2000, or 2013 post-Kyoto, rather than 1990 as for original WG1.

  • See also Mitigation module -how it works

    Stabilise temperature

    If you choose "stabilise temperature" from the mitigation menu, a brown 4-pointed arrow appears on the global temperature plot, similar to that discussed above for stabilising CO2 concentration. This control specifies the temperature increase relative to the baseline year , which you can also adjust with the blue arrow on the same plot.

    For example, the European Union proposed that we should restrain the temperature increase to maximum 2C above the preindustrial level. Try setting this as a target, and then adjusting some scientific uncertainty parameters such as the climate sensitivity, or choosing different models from the GCM-fit menu. Now the final temperature should remain constant, so the emissions must change accordingly -what is a safe pathway given the range of uncertainty?

    Even for a fixed set of model parameters, there are many possible routes to stabilise at a given temperature. Two different calculation methods are provided in JCM -either iterating to guess an appropriate CO2 stabilisation level (the default method), or adjusting emissions depending on deviation from a target curve (a "fuzzy control" method -expert level only).

    The stabilise temperature option may be combined with options for mitigating other gases and distributing emissions between regions, as for stabilise concentration.

    See also

  • Global Temperature plot
  • Mitigation module -how it works
  • Other gas emissions options
  • About Inverse Calculations (below)

    Stabilise emissions

    Many people talk about reducing CO2 emissions to a "sustainable level".

    You can explore this concept, by choosing "stabilise CO2 emissions" from the emissions menu in the top panel. Then you will see the CO2 emissions follow a simple curve, starting from the present trend, and eventually stabilising at a time and level determined by the 4-headed yellow arrow on a plot of regional CO2 emissions.

    For example, it is often quoted, that we need to reduce global emissions by about 60% to stabilise the concentration of CO2 at current levels. This figure from the first IPCC report (1992) can be explained by considering that 3/5 of the fossil CO2 emissions stayed in the atmosphere whilst 2/5 was taken up by the ocean sink (these ratios are still approximately valid today).

    You can test whether this works, by moving the moving the yellow arrow to stabilise CO2 emissions at 2.4 GtC/yr in 2010. This stops the atmospheric CO2 concentration (black curve on carbon cycle plot) at about 375ppm, but only instantaneously. If you look further into the future, the concentration starts to rise again, since the sinks reduce as the rate of atmospheric CO2 increase falls, the biosphere sink saturates, and the seawater becomes more acidic. If we really want to stabilise the atmospheric CO2 concentration, we have to keep reducing emissions for centuries, which is apparent when you choose instead the "stabilise CO2 concentration" option, and place the black arrow at 375ppm in 2010.

    Note, if you want to stabilise emissions at current levels, simply select "constant emissions" from the mitigation menu (this may be useful for comparing different distribution options). Also at the "expert" complexity level, you can "fine-tune" an emissions stabilisation curve by adjusting the initial growth rate (%/year) or the integral of cumulative emissions (2000-2200).

    See also:

  • Stabilise concentration (above)
  • Mitigation module -how it works
  • Regional data plot
  • Regional emissions distribution
  • Carbon cycle plot

    About Inverse Calculations

    "Stabilise concentration" and "stabilise temperature" are examples of inverse calculations, from desired effect (concentration or temperature) to cause (emissions).

    This may be confusing when considering the effect of scientific uncertainties. For example, if you adjust scientific uncertainty parameters affecting the ocean or biosphere carbon sinks, the CO2 concentration should not change significantly -instead the emissions are adjusted to remain on target. As there is also a biogeochemical feedback between the temperature and the carbon sinks, adjusting climate model parameters can also change the emissions, even when you have fixed the CO2 concentration.

    So if you want to explore cause-effect relationships within the natural carbon-climate system, it is recommended to choose either "stabilise emissions" (for low emissions) or no-policy SRES scenarios (for high emissions).

    It should also be emphasised that these are not predictions. They are useful for exploring mitigation policies, whereas the SRES scenarios may be more appropriate when exploring adapation policies. See also:

  • Different approaches to the climate problem
  • Cause-effect relationships
  • Mitigation module -how it works

    Related Emissions Options

    The above stabilisation scenarios may be combined with other emissions options:
  • Distribution of emissions
    Any reduction from the no-climate-policy baseline to approach a stabilisation target requires a global agreement, specifying how to share the limited budget between countries. Investigate this controversial but critical question.
  • Options for emissions of non-CO2 gases
    UNFCCC Article 2 tells us to "stabilise concentrations of gases", not only CO2. How much difference does this make?
  • Kyoto protocol
    Any mitigation scenario may be combined with the Kyoto protocol option, which fixes the targets for AnnexB countries up to 2013.

    Comparison with baseline, Post-SRES scenarios

    The SRES scenarios, assuming no climate policy, provide a useful set of baselines for comparison with stabilisation scenarios. The difference between the calculated regional emissions under any stabilisation scenario (you must also select a regional distribution), andthose projected for an SRES baseline scenario, is shown by the "Abatement" curves on a Regional data plot.
  • SRES baseline scenarios
  • Regional data plot

    However, it may be considered unrealistic to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, without changing other underlying socioeconomic projections which are also part of the SRES scenarios.

    Therefore IPCC has begun to review more complex mitigation scenarios, which still aim to reach specific CO2 stabilisation levels, but must also consider socioeconomic factors consistent with the original SRES storylines. The first stage of this "post-SRES" process is described in IPCCTAR WG3 Chap2.

    These scenarios may help us to calculate the required mitigation effort, considering not only the difference in emissions, but also the interactive feedbacks with economic growth, population and technology development.

  • Note also "Different Approaches to the Climate Problem", especially the "note on terminology"