Top Panel

General model options:

Reset Button:

resets the parameter values, graph setup etc. to the default values. Fixes most problems.

Help Mode Button:

when this is enabled, clicking on any object calls the relevant documentation page here (which might explain why you are now reading this!)

Layout Menu:

Choose 1, 2, 4, or 9 panels, or flowchart. In each case there is a default arrangement, but you can select others using the "plot" menu at the top left of each panel
  • See also Cause-effect flowchart

    Language Menu:

    Change the language of all labels and popup info.
  • See Language labels

    Complexity Menu:

    Choose the level of complexity, i.e. which curves, controls, options and menus appear on each plot.

    Mitigation Menu:

    Choose various future mitigation options, or SRES no-policy scenarios.
  • see Emissions page

    Distribution Menu:

    Choose distribution of future emissions between regions
  • see Distribution page

    SRES Menu:

  • see IPCC SRES Scenaris
    Note the scenarios will not affect global CO2 emissions unless the SRES option is also be selected from the mitigation menu

    Other Gas Menu:

    Choose various options to link emissions of all gases, relative to CO2.
  • see Other Gas Emissions

    Scales and Controls

  • (-x-) Links all timescales (x-axis) together (adjusting one will affect all)
  • (¬¬¬) Show scales
  • (<C>) Show controls, options, menu and legend